Wednesday, October 24, 2012

White Bengal Tiger

The White Bengal has been one of my favorite animals. The way they look and their nature in the world has always fascinated me. The Bengal tiger is already on the endangered species list while the White bengal tiger is even more scarce.
These gracious animals have the scientific name Panthera Tigris who live mostly live in the Indian forests and lush grasslands.

They feed on varieties of meat 5 days a week and gnaw on bones for 2 days. They can grow to be 2.5 meters long and weigh a staggering 300 kilograms. The looks of these beautiful creatures are there for a reason, the stripes you see identify them because none are the same on any 2 tiger. Oddly enough the Bengal tiger is one of the only feline species to enjoy and actually LOVE water.

They are carnivores with a loud roar. They hide in tall grass by the camouflage of their stripes. the rarity of these births is only common in 1 of 10,000 births which is rare because the population of tigers is very low. These majestic creatures stand tall in the world as a sign of purity and strength!
Stay tuned next week for a new animal of the week!

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